Thursday, November 29, 2012

Traditional Remedies You Can Find in Your Cabinets - Health - Alternative Medicine

Most of us already understand that fighting a cold or flu is best done by drinking lots of fluids and getting plenty of rest. Your immune system also requires a good amount of Vitamin C is also a good idea. Knowing those things is one thing but putting it into practice is quite another, especially when all you really want is relief from your cold symptoms. Wanting some quick relief is one of the reasons that so many people opt for medications instead of letting natural methods do their jobs. These medications can sooth cold and flu symptoms fairly quickly. The relief from these medications is usually temporary and can actually increase the length of your illness. This is the reason natural health is a better idea-the natural methods you use to ease your symptoms actually attack the cause of the cold, which helps you get better!

Peppers can help in more ways than one. Bell peppers are full of vitamin C and can really help boost your immune system if you eat them regularly. Cayenne pepper is great for the sinuses as well. Cayenne pepper in tea or in other foods can help you breathe and can cause you to sweat which will help bring down a fever. A good way to help your body start the healing process is to eat some cayenne pepper, which will heat up your body and make it sweat, which is how the germs and toxins in your system are released.

Garlic is a famous system detoxifier. To get better quickly, take 1500 mgs of garlic a day and wave good-bye to your cold! To get 500mgs into your system, eat one clove of garlic. This can be accomplished by either taking a tablet of garlic or by including a clove of garlic into your meals at least three times a day. Garlic is readily available; you can by clove flowers of garlic at the store for low prices or a bottle of the spice pretty inexpensively. Don't spend more than five days taking in so much garlic. If you still show severe cold or flu symptoms after five days, call your family doctor.

Tea is great when you have a cold! Teas that contain peppermint, yarrow and elder are fantastic remedies for people who suffer from a cold or from the flu. You can also make your own tea if that is something that you know how to do. Tea can help raise your body temperature so that it starts to sweat, which will help it get rid of the toxins that are attacking it. Using herbal and natural health methods to get well is a great idea. Are you sure you want to toss back over the counter medication when there are healthier and simpler remedies available? Natural remedies are better than a bunch of drugs and pills. Most importantly, to give your natural healing methods time to work, you need to get lots of rest!

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