Monday, November 26, 2012

Cholera Homeopathic Approach - Health

Cholera is a severe bacterial infection caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae.

This affects the small intestine.Cholera is an acute intestinal infection caused by ingestion of food or water contaminated by a comma-shaped bacteria Vibrio cholerae,

Signs & Symptoms of Cholera

The First Stage:

1. The patient suffers from mild diarrhoea and vomiting, which worsens rapidly.

2. The motions become watery, containing no faecal matter. The patient experiences severe cramps in the abdominal muscles and limbs, resulting due to lack of salts. The intake of water to quench thirst dilutes the body salts still further, and makes the cramps worse.

3. The temperature of the body rises but the skin is generally cold and blue and the pulse gets weak.

The Second Stage:

1. Body becomes colder, the skin dry, wrinkled and purple.

2. Voice becomes weak and husky.

3. The urine looks dark and formation is less, or altogether absent.

4. It is in this stage that the patient may die, as early as 24 hours after the onset of the symptoms.

The Third Stage:

1. In this stage a gradual recovery follows in favourable cases. All the changes seem to reverse themselves.

2. The fluid loss decreases and there is improvement in the general condition.

3. Even at this stage, a relapse may occur or the patient may sink into a condition resembling typhoid fever.

4. In the infected persons, rapid loss of body fluids leads to dehydration and shock. Without treatment, death can occur within hours.

Diagnosis of Cholera

1. diagnosis of cholera by recovering the bacteria from rectal swabs or from fresh stool samples.2. A dark-field microscopic examination of fresh feces showing rapidly moving bacilli 3. Cholera can be confirmed only by the isolation of the causative organism from the diarrheic stools of infected individuals. 4. All food isolates must be tested for the production of cholera enterotoxin.

Preventions of Cholera

1. Drink boiled water or water that has been treated with chlorine or iodine. 2. Eat thoroughly cooked food and are still hot, or fruit that you have peeled yourself. 3. Avoid undercooked or raw fish or shellfish. 4. Make sure all vegetables are cooked properly. 5. Avoid foods and beverages from street vendors. 6. Do not bring perishable seafood. 7. Check for proper sanitation and water purification systems8. Give liquid bland foods, lemon, onions and mint to the patient9. Hands that touch cholera patients or their clothing and bedding should be thoroughly cleaned and sterilized.10. Health education aimed at behaviour change is thus an important component of cholera prevention and control.

First aid:

Water and electrolyte replacement are essential treatments for cholera, The prompt administration of oral re-hydration salts to replace lost fluids nearly always results in cure.

Homeopathic approach:

Veratrum album

There are sharp, cutting pains in the abdomen and great weakness, almost fainting Pain in the abdomen preceding stool, Profuseness of the stool and forcible evacuation, Great prostration following stool, vomiting and purging,cramps and rice water discharges.The sense of inner burning, The cold sweat, Cold surface of the body.


vomiting and diarrhoea appear; there is at once intense prostration,bluish, icy cold face, cold body, weak,squeaky voice, stiffness of muscles, coldness and collapse, burning in stomach and oesophagus. Coldness, dryness and blueness express its characteristics. The discharges are scantyMarked collapse with sudden cessation of all discharges. Last stage of cholera with fainting spells and tetanic spasms


Intense spasms and cramps mark this remedy; there is coldness of the surface of the body, dryness of the mouth, thirst, blueness of the skin, cramps of the muscles of the calves, violent pains in the epigastrium and ineffectual efforts to vomit. It has vomiting and purging nearly as great as Veratrum, but not the cold sweat. Cramps are more prominent under Cuprum than any other remedy. It has also spasmodic twitchings, and has been used as a prophylactic. there are cramps in extremities, even in fingers and thumbs.

Carbo vegetabilis

the prostration is so great that the patient lies quite, too weak to move, cold body, pulse rapid and thread-like and breath cold;when vomiting, diarrhoea and spasm or pain have ceased. Prostration from drain on the system, lips bluish, breathing weak


Suits the stage of collapse with desire to keep cool; cholera infantum with profuse undigested stools, watery and offensive, followed by prostration; the movements are copious and come in spurts; the skin is wrinkled, dry and cold; patient is almost pulseless, cold, but averse to being covered, spasmodic twitching of muscles, spreads finger apart, eyes sunken, features pinched.


This remedy pictures cholera morbus; there is a painless watery stool coming out with a gush and a loathing of food; undigested diarrhoea worse mornings may also be present.

Calcarea carbonica

Cholera infantum, craving for eggs; vomiting of milk in curds, diarrhoea, worse in the evening, of greenish, undigested, watery and sour stools are characteristic of this remedy.

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