Friday, October 19, 2012

How I am able to write ten articles in less than two hours - Publishing - Writing

It is obvious for every journalist, or internet marketer that writing articles will be a large part of their daily routine. They both do it for different reasons, but both understand that this will become their lifeline and large part of their work day. The questions that many have, and I did so as well... how is it possible to write so many articles and do it so quick. I remember struggling one 500 word paper for over three hours in high school. There was another time where it took me weeks to just get four pages down, and let's not forget that most of these assignments were allowed to be double spaced. Now I am churning out multiple articles daily, and without even breaking a sweat. My only valid explanation is that secretly I always wanted to express myself. Whether it was through talking constantly, or writing songs. It is maybe that due to sitting in front of the computer for a while and not seeing any living organisms close by I have to get things off my chest. This is where I want to take a moment to thank my middle school for allowing a computer typing class on its curriculum where kids like me went in order to avoid doing real work. This class was so boring, that since I didn't have anything else to do I really did learn how to type fast. The only girls around me were boring, and the teacher would make us leave everything under our desks only coming alive when he seen something on them. It might be due to the topics that I chose. If I had to write articles about a person, product or service every single day it would definitely become a pain. While just writing about the things that I know and enjoy it does become a much easier and pleasant experience. I could outsource my writing, but as with anything else in life if you want it done right it is best to do it yourself. I have read multiple articles where it was obvious that a foreigner rewrote other things that he took of the web with very mixed results. In order to get your body and mind accustomed to writing it is best to do it every day, and make it a habit. I like to get all of my writing done between breakfast and noon. It motivates me to do as much of it as I can since I am then rewarded with lunch and the knowing that I will not have to do any more of it that day. If I do write something it will be very short, or I might just schedule it for my next morning as a project to get done at around a half an hour before my regular finish time. Motivation is key, and you should remind yourself why it is that you are writing. If it is to make money directly, then the answer is obvious. If it is a secondary step that will make the first one possible keep that in mind also. If your 'why' is strong enough, the rest becomes easy.

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