Thursday, October 11, 2012

Five reasons why I want my favorite book close to me. - Shopping - Books

Remember, when we were young, many of us has the tendency to sleep with our favorite toy gun under our pillow? Simply because its supposed to protect you in your dreams. But all through my childhood, I always chose something different to get me going. For me, the choice of object was always a book. Because I'd always read a book before I went to sleep and with time I realized that it was always better to have pleasant dreams in your head from a book -- and naturally, I never really needed a gun to protect myself. And when I was young I did not have much of an option, but now I don't have to break much sweat in getting myself my favorite book as all I now need to do is go to an online bookstore like and place my orders.I also realized that I need my favorite book around me at all times, because sometimes at intervals, it is fun to skim through a few pages, between jobs or errands and since your favorite book is something that you have read many a time over, its fu n to read through the pages as you already know the story! That is the second reason why I always make sure that I have copies of my favorite book from an online bookstore always ready at my hand.I could actually list a one hundred and one reasons for needing my favorite book to be close by me. But the more important reasons, besides these two, are pretty simple and universal reasons. Why is that particular book, which you must have bought from an online bookstore, your favorite? Mostly that book has something that no other book has -- something that you love to read about. And therefore, there is no harm in going on mulling over the same factor over and over again. I also need to have my favorite book around me, because it is always fun to loan someone the book and make him share the same joy that you did when you first read the book. And there is every possibility that he or she too may like the book so much that after reading your copy, he or she may just go about and boo k their own copy from the online bookstore, And finally, my favorite book is my favorite possession. Why would I not want to be seen with it? Alright, I agree that was an ego trip. But still, it's a fact. And I like it that way! I could go on and on. But that would make on sense, because face it, I am going to be talking about my favorite book. No list is too exhaustive in that region.

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