Monday, February 13, 2012

Discover How to Stop Excessive Sweating - Health

Excessive sweating is a disease called hyperhidrosis. People with this disease sweat through out the day even at cold temperature and sweat even more when they become nervous or anxious. Sweating may occur on specific body parts with high concentration of sweat glands like hands, feet, axillae or underarms and groin area. This disease can reduce the quality of your life and you must discover how to stop excessive sweating.

About 2-3% of the population are affected with primary hyperhidrosis but only a fraction of these people seek medical help or bother to know how to stop excessive sweating. Primary hyperhidrosis have no known causes but more likely hereditary. On the other hand if excessive sweating is caused by a medical condition it is called secondary hyperhidrosis. Sufferers experience generalized or localized excessive sweating mostly on hands, feet and armpits. Conditions resulting to secondary hyperhidrosis include abnormality in hypothalamus function which regulates sweat related function or over-active sympathetic nervous system. Medical conditions like heart and lung disease, anxiety disorder, diabetes mellitus and certain medications are triggers of secondary hyperhidrosis. It is important that you understand the causes of your excessive sweating to know how to stop excessive sweating.

This disease has a very disturbing social impact to sufferers reducing the quality of their lives. Imagine having excessive underarm sweating through out the day even if it's not too hot or even if you are not doing something that will induce sweating. This problem can affect not only your social life but also your personal life. People having this problem tend to shy away from the crowd or have low self-esteem to socialize or even find the relationship they want. You have to find out how to stop excessive sweating before it could totally take over and ruin your life. To people without this problem, they will just shrug their shoulder and thought it's just a sweat problem but people having this excessive sweating problem can't ignore this because this is a serious medical and social problem.

There are treatments available for hyperhidrosis, some of these treatments include aluminum chloride solution commonly present on anti-perspirant available in the market. You need a high concentration of aluminum chloride to get good results but this is not effective for hands and foot excessive sweating. Side effects include skin irritation. Surgery or Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy or ETS is another option on how to stop excessive sweating on underarms; this is a procedure or surgery of removing armpit sweat glands. Although you can find success on this procedure side effects may include excessive sweating on thighs, back, legs and abdomen which can become a problem in the long run. Others find oral medication as one way on how to stop excessive sweating. There are medicines like Ditropan that can prevent excessive sweating although there are sufferers who complains of drowsiness and dry-mouth as side effects of the drug.

Discovering how to stop excessive sweating is very important to people suffering from this disease. Are you one of those people suffering from excessive sweating? Have you tried a lot of methods to stop excessive sweating but find little or no results? Did you know that regardless of what you have already tried, you can reduce underarm, hand, face, foot and overall excessive sweating by 95% without drugs and surgery? Learn how to stop excessive sweating and get rid of your sweating problems permanently visit Stop Sweating And Start Living


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