Sweating is a normal and healthy thing. It is normal to sweat especially if you are experiencing warm weather, have been exercising, are experiencing emotional stress or anxiety. All the above reasons justify your sweating up to a certain limit. Scientists say that we might lose quite a lot of fluid when one tiny sweat gland tries to cool our body up to one degree Fahrenheit by cooling one liter blood.
For most of the people sweating is nothing but a minor irritant because of the stains it leaves on the dress and the odor. However, for some sweating might not be such a minor issue. This applies to people who face the problem of excessive sweating especially on body parts like the pals, armpits and the excessive sweating of the head and hair.
People with the problem of excessive sweating face embarrassment in their daily functioning of life. Those with excessive sweating in their armpits and excessive sweating of the head and hair, also those who have the problem of excessive sweating of palms cannot move around as normal people can.
However, sweating is a complex phenomenon, therefore, any imbalance within the body of hormones or health will cause excessive sweating. There are four main reasons identified as the reasons for excessive sweating. Those being :-Obesity;A serious health problemMenopause;Coming of age (puberty) or hormonal imbalance.
Obesity is nowadays becoming one of the major factors, causing people to sweat excessively. The metabolic activity of obese people causes them to sweat profusely.
If you are a normal person and have started excessive sweating off late, it would be better not to ignore it. Immediate physical check-up should be done so that you can treat the problem in time.
Menopause is yet another instance where you could start sweating excessively. The hormonal imbalance causes it therefore it is periodic and not a permanent phenomenon.
Puberty also can cause incessant sweating in the case of children coming of age. This happens at the age of about 13-14 when the hormones are playing a major role in the development.
What are the emotional effects of excessive sweating on a person? Excessive sweating causes embarrassment to people suffering from it. A person who has excessive sweating on palms might feel it awkward and embarrassing to shake hands with people because his palms are always wet.
A person who has excessive sweating in the armpits will find it embarrassing when the sweat leaves stains on his dress and even while going near someone because of the odor.
A person who has excessive sweating of the head and hair has to face the most embarrassment. Since the person suffering from excessive sweating of the head and hair will have sweat dripping all over his head and hair. This will make his hair constantly wet and oily. This person suffering from excessive sweating of the head and hair will find more dirt and grime in his hair than ever before. This will lead to unnatural hair loss which will complicate the situation even more.
Excessive sweating of the head and hair will also make a person's life miserable. He will have to deal with sweat dripping on both the sides of his face making him look unkempt all the time. Plus the skin where the sweat accumulates will also be affected negatively.
Another problem with people suffering from excessive sweating is constant feeling of exhaustion. This happens because the fluids inside the body of this person will get exhausted all the time.
So in order to treat the problem of excessive sweating people have to consult doctors or dermatologists depending on the diagnosis and the reason why they sweat so profusely.
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